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Box plots


  • The box plot for every parameter- Feed rate, Spindle speed, X position, Lag error- shows how at a particular hour, how for within every minute the data is distributed. By pointing at the particular data more details can be collected about the distribution of the data and how it varies.



X position, Lag Error


  • The plots on the dashboard give details of how the X position of the tool varies over time. The repeating pattern over every lap shows the consistency in machining data collected. The lag error gives the difference in positioning of the tool, actual position, and the set position. 



Feed Rate and Spindle Speed


  • The dashboard shows how the data for feed rate and spindle speed varies with time, The limits for both are set according to the set parameter limit from the G-codes. We can see that the feed rate varies out of the limits, and also for a particular spindle speed how the speed varies within the six-sigma limits.


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